Obscenity - Caught In Life

Intellect turn of
Brutalization of the spirit
I stopped to live-I only work
Just a tool of the machinery

Money defeats the courage
Degenerated to a slave of weekday
Indifferent-never asking why
Do I still live-or have I already died

Forbidden opinion-without own will
Caught in-life

Your self-pity
Nobody cares
If you're not satisfied
Change your fucking life

It's hard to realize
It' more easily said than done

Apparent death-mental impoverishment
The own will-eliminated
No place for self-realization
Just a marionette

Locked in the dungeon of discontent
The behavior remotely controlled
I work,eat and shit-every day it's the same
Caught in the structures of my life

Stop moaning and complaining
Lay down the bond of lazyness
Believe in yourself
Open your mind for new aims

Internalized processes
A modern slave
Just a number-replaceable
Money reduces me to silence daily monotory
Caught in-life

Within some years-old and grey
Reproaches-fucking life

Never let your aims out of sight
Let the thoughts be follow by deeds

Caught in life